About Falcorp

Digital Solutions Firm Signs up New Clients 

with AgilePoint

Falcorp Technologies is an innovation partner for its customers. Along with technical solutions, it helps its clients to test new business models and develop digital infrastructure. Facing process orchestration challenges and the need to provide innovative solutions to its existing clientele, Falcorp turned to AgilePoint's process capabilities, AI readiness, pre-built integrations, and innovative platform architecture. 

The results? Swift implementations, market expansion, and exceptional support paved the way for Falcorp's growth.

Falcorp Technologies is a global BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) solutions provider and an AgilePoint partner.

Specializing in process automation, insurance policy systems, and FinTech solutions, the firm serves major banks and insurers across Africa, the UAE, Europe, India, and Mauritius with a growing bench of 200+ skilled professionals. 

AgilePoint's cloud-based platform interacts with various components to ingest data from multiple sources. It then applies business rules and logic to process this information intelligently. Based on the business logic and input from the listening service, as well as notifications, incoming emails or human actions, AgilePoint triggers & monitors specific processes. The platform routes the processed data to relevant systems or recipients in a streamlined manner, eliminating siloed operations. 

Hence, it acts as 'a second brain' and comprehensively connects all the company's systems, understands what they need, processes that information intelligently, and routes the outputs to the right places.

Falcorp Technologies was exploring ways to strengthen its digital solution offerings for its clients. It needed a mature, Lego-like, adaptable platform to orchestrate processes across multiple systems and human touchpoints. 

The platform would help it to deliver end-to-end solutions and avoid using multiple task-automation-oriented software. A centralized orchestration layer was sorely needed to coordinate actions between disparate systems of its clients.

Falcorp evaluated several low-code BPM solutions to find the best one. The team chose AgilePoint because it had all the needed capabilities, including: 

•BPM functions 

•Extensible user interface 

•End-to-end process orchestration capabilities

For one of its insurance clients, Falcorp designed a solution where AgilePoint orchestrates and automates the processes of the client organisation. The platform is the central conductor, coordinating and automating the flow of data and processes across disparate applications like ERP systems, insurance portals, APIs, and the identity/access management tool.

From an integration perspective, the platform was connected with reporting/analytics software and also provided out-of-the-box connectors for Amazon S3, SharePoint, and Salesforce. The convenience of system and application integration also played a part in choosing AgilePoint over other products. 

Falcorp built applications for customer onboarding, broker management, claims management, and underwriting processes. It also used AgilePoint to integrate these apps into financial accounting systems. 

Falcorp's team successfully implemented complicated underwriting and claims management processes using AgilePoint. These newly built app were accessible via the portal of financial services firm. 

AgilePoint's extensible and adaptable platform and the quality of support made it a defendable choice for the Falcorp management.

For the Falcorp team, AgilePoint's advantages were manifold, including AI-enabled process orchestration, UI extensibility, process automation capabilities, customization, support, ease of learning, and intuitiveness. 

Together, all this made the platform Falcorp’s preferred choice over other vendors. Team Falcorp was ready to focus on its most valuable assets, i.e., client relationships and domain knowledge, to offer innovative solutions to its clients.


Numerous automation products are available. However, in my recent evaluations, I've found that many excel in certain areas while lacking in others. For instance, some may prioritize UI design or rules automation but fall short in process orchestration. AgilePoint covers all bases.

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